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This category contains 111 posts

Hacker ethics

Andrew Zimmerman Jones on the moral code of the girl with the dragon tattoo.

Sure of your self?

Tony Pitson on Hume’s provocative account of what we really are.

David Hume’s impact on causation

Helen Beebee looks at how David Hume has influenced the debate about causation.

Are mercenaries just warriors?

Deane-Peter Baker on the morality of guns for hire.

Ruling passions

Elizabeth S Radcliffe explains how Hume put feelings centre stage.

The animal you are

Paul Snowdon examines our intuitions about minds, persons and animals.

A perfectly wise and virtuous man

Barry Stroud on David Hume’s life and character.

Meeting human needs

The good life is the fully human life, says Richard Norman.

Philosophy that’s not for the masses

James Ladyman argues that philosophy’s inaccessibility is actually a good thing.

No life is good

David Benatar argues against the optimists that life is not good, and we should not create more of it.